Upcoming Events

La Jolla United Methodist Church is a vibrant community with many ways to connect spiritually and socially. If you have questions about any of these events or if you are interested in booking use of one of our facilities, please contact our church office. Use the menu at the top of this page or this link to find the full Church Calendar.

Please remember that the COVID-19 virus is impacting our ministries. Our care for all in our community will impact how we are able to host in-person activities.

Traditional Worship

Join us at our weekly Worship service here at La Jolla UMC! In an effort to remain welcoming to all persons, worship continues in both an online and in-person format. Masks are optional. Find our online worship and resources here. For information on Children’s Ministry or the sacraments of Holy Communion and Holy Baptism, select one of the images below.

Thursday Bible Study

Our weekly morning Bible study meets each week on Thursdays at 8am. This study follows study guides that could include short-term or long-term studies, academic books, and more. Like our Explorer Adult Class, leadership comes from within this capable and faithful group. If you are interested in joining this class, please contact Don Lincoln at dlincoln@dlincolnlaw.com or by phone at (619) 838-0817.

Maundy Thursday

The Maundy Thursday celebration is traditionally an honoring of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. Told in all four of the Gospels, this tradition celebrates the institution of Holy Communion. In addition, the Gospel of John tells of a new commandment to love one another. The word “maundy” is from the same Latin root of the word mandate (or commandment). We join together with the people of Pacific Beach UMC for an in-person and online service to confess and be…

Easter Worship

Join La Jolla UMC for a rich and vibrant Easter Worship! We offer two Easter Celebration services at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. with music, beautiful flowers, a time for children, scripture, and an inspiring message. Plan to join in singing traditional hymns with organ and brass both online and in-person in our Sanctuary, and celebrate resurrection and new life! Please note that only our 10:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.