Sermons from June 2023

One Body, Many Parts

Whether you are new to this congregation or have been a part since the beginning, you know that we are diverse in our history, our background, our education and socio-economic status, our theology, our age, and so much more! Enriched by this diversity, we are a church family who cares for and prays for one another, a church family who lifts one another up, a church family who nurtures and loves. We do not do these things because we are…

Trusting the Unknown

This Second Sunday after Pentecost includes texts that remind us that God’s presence and call can rarely be described as expected or ordinary. Abram isn’t young when God calls him to leave everything he knows. Matthew isn’t the kind of person anyone would expect the Messiah to call and equip for ministry. Both of these Biblical figures respond to their respective calls even facing significant unknowns. In spite of these realities, both respond faithfully. Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9;  Matthew 9:9-13 (CEB)

Gender, Guns, and Migrants

Scripture:Deuteronomy 10:14-18; 1 John 3:11-19; Matthew 7:12-20, 24a (The Message)