Sermons by Tara Limbaugh (Page 2)

Parables from the Underside

Two sons – one leaves home, squanders his inheritance, and begs for forgiveness. Another who never left home, didn’t spend his inheritance, and begs for recognition. The younger son needs redemption. The older son needs restoration. How is the oldest son like our LGBT+ siblings, most notably our transgender siblings, who are afraid and hurt, and who are asking the church to recognize them? Scripture: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 (CEB)

Turn, Turn, Turn

Our New Year’s Day service brought a familiar text and music as we begin a new year looking both forward and backward… Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 (CEB)

Inspired: Resistance Stories

This week we continue our worship series “Inspired” based on the book Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again by Rachel Held Evans. One of the main themes of the Bible is that God is on the side of the faithful minority within vast, oppressive empires. God shows up to walk alongside the poor and disinherited. God gives strength to those who speak truth to power, those who display courage in the face of death. Even…

Inspired: Origin Stories

This week we transition from our series on the Apostles’ Creed to our new worship series “Inspired” based on the book Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again by Rachel Held Evans. In this book, Rachel draws on the best in recent scholarship and uses her well-honed literary expertise to examine some of her favorite Bible stories and possible interpretations, retelling them through memoir, original poetry, short stories, soliloquies, and even a short screenplay. Undaunted by…

We Believe: The Forgiveness of Sins

This week we focus on a short and powerful statement in the Apostle’s Creed: the forgiveness of sins. The forgiveness of sins is a fundamental belief in the Christian faith. When we declare that we believe “in the forgiveness of sins” we affirm our belief in a divine grace that is available to everyone. Scripture: Romans 5:12-19, Matthew 5:38-48 (CEB)
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