Sermons by Bob Wuertz

Where You Are: Embracing the Familiar

This week, we begin our new sermon series, Foundations and Futures, where we’ll explore how God grounds us in faith and calls us to step boldly into the future. In this first message, we focus on the familiar places and gifts God has provided, inviting us to recognize opportunities to serve and grow within our community. Together, we’ll discover how even ordinary moments can reveal extraordinary purpose. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11 (NRSVue)

How Deep the Father’s Love

Sunday, June 19th is Father’s Day. Our message is “How Deep the Father’s Love”. Through scripture, readings and the singing of hymns, we will reflect on God as the Father; the Father in Creation, the Father in Refuge and Nourishment, the Father is Redemption and the Father in Faith. Together, we will confirm our faith and experience again how deep the Father’s love for us is vast beyond all measure. Scripture: Ephesians: 3:14-19 (CEB)