Sermons by Bob Rhodes (Page 15)

Living in Prayer

We conclude this short sermon series with the reminder that prayer isn’t necessarily easy. Even the disciples asked how to pray, and Paul reminds us that we don’t always have to have the right words to do so. But we also must remember that prayer isn’t limited to just words! Scripture: Romans 8:26-39

Creation Waits

We continue the series, Nothing Can Separate Us, with a connection with creation alongside the idea that even in suffering we are connected. Scripture: Romans 8:12-25

Set Your Mind

We begin a new three-week sermon series acknowledging the feeling of separation when we’re unable to gather together. Where might God be calling us, how might God be strengthening us, and how is God’s Spirit in our midst? Scripture: Romans 8:1-11

Origin Stories

This first message during a new “appointment” at LJUMC includes a dialogue message with both Pastor Bob and Pastor Lea as they discuss their beginnings of faith and their calls to ministry. Scripture: Genesis 11:1-9; Acts 2:1-11