Come Home for Christmas

Advent is an invitation. For many, it is the invitation to get into that Christmas spirit, to count down the days to the grand celebration, and let the holiday transform everything around us.

At La Jolla UMC, we’re not just about Christmas, the holiday, about December 25 with all the jingle bells and tinsel. We are about Christmas, the Mass of Christ, the celebration of the Incarnate one who comes to remind us that we are not alone, and God is with us. We are about the longing for the coming kin-dom, where we will study war no more, where people will walk in the light, where joy will be found, and love with be the tie that binds us together.

That’s the home for which we long. That’s the invitation this Advent season to your church and the world: “Come home for Christmas.”

The Light of Home

Note: Due to unforeseen circumstances, both Pastor Bob and Pastor Derek were prevented from being in Worship, and instead our South District Superintendent, the Rev. Sandy Olewine, brought a message of light and hope. Our Scripture this week comes from John 1:10-18.  It is the second half of the prologue to John’s Gospel. For the author of the Gospel of John, Jesus is the Word of God and the light that gives life.  Yet the truth is, no matter how…

Lost at Home

The Scripture for this Sunday is the story from Luke 2:41-52. Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and those who observed the Passover Festival at Jerusalem just finished their big holiday celebration, and they were on their way home.  They were returning to the normalcy of home and the everydayness of life.  But unexpectedly they found themselves in a predicament.  They couldn’t find their son anywhere, and they were terrified! Perhaps you can empathize with Mary and Joseph because you have had a…

Welcome Home – Traditional Candlelight Service

Our 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Service is open to persons of all ages and includes music, scripture, an inspiring message, and more. This service also concludes with Christmas carols and candles.

Family Candlelight Service

Our 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Service focuses on children and families and will tell the story of Christmas through scripture and song. Children may be invited to join an informal visual tableau (no rehearsal required!) with fun costumes and easy movements. We will conclude with Christmas carols and candles.

The Blessing of Home

As we move toward the fourth and final Sunday of Advent, we continue our series that focuses on coming home for Christmas. The Luke text this week is filled with wonder as cousins greet one another and experience the wonder of connection and the mystery of new life. It’s wonder-full! And it’s a blessing. Scripture: Micah 5:2-5a (NRSV), Luke 1:39-45 (CEB)

The Joy of Home

This is the Third Sunday of Advent, understood in part through our Advent Candle liturgy as a reminder of joy! In light of our series on home, it is my hope that returning home is exciting and joy-filled! For many of us—hopefully most of us—this is indeed the most wonderful time of the year! There is laughter, reunion, and joy; there are happy memories and celebrations of deep love. May this celebration of the third Sunday of Advent help us…

The Fear of Home

We want Christmas to be happy, a time of celebration of joy! And for the most part, it is! And for those whose return home is fraught with anxiety, it is an opportunity: for reconciliation, for healing, for peace. Christmas is a chance for the paths to be made straight, the valleys to be filled, the mountains and hills made low, so that all flesh shall see the salvation of God. Scripture: Malachi 3:1-4, Luke 3:1-6 (NRSV)

Time to Go Home

As Jesus’ message in the parables and his teachings often tends to challenge our conventional understandings of faith and practices, it also invites us to re-evaluate, re-imagine, and re-interpret our usual understanding of things.  With this in mind, the text for this Sunday is both challenging and inviting.  It’s challenging our normal perception of Advent and inviting us to see it through new lenses. Scripture: Luke 21:25-36 (CEB)