Sermons on Exodus
Maundy Thursday
The Maundy Thursday celebration is traditionally an honoring of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. Told in all four of the Gospels, this tradition celebrates the institution of Holy Communion. In addition, the Gospel of John tells of a new commandment to love one another. The word “maundy” is from the same Latin root of the word commandment. We join together with the people of Pacific Beach UMC for an in-person and online service to confess and be pardoned, to…
Where do We See God?
This Sunday we begin our new series on Questions that Matter. This first week, we address a deep question that is rooted in our experience of God. As United Methodists, many of us affirm the Wesleyan Quadrilateral where we approach faith through scripture, tradition, reason, and experience. While not framed quite so succinctly, John Wesley clearly approached his own faith this way, and we can learn the importance of experiencing God. Scripture: Exodus 33:12-23, Luke 10:25-37 (CEB)
History & Law
This is the second week of our series on Reading the Bible Again, informed by Marcus Borg’s Reading the Bible Again for the First Time. As we worship online, let us continue to pray for our community as we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. This week we move beyond the creation stories and into the story of Moses as the leader of the Exodus and the bringer of the Law. These narratives are told in the first five books of…