Sermons on Ephesians

Defining Words

Defining Words – April 14th, 2024 Scripture: Ephesians 4:29 (NRSV), James 3: 8-11 (NRSV)

How Deep the Father’s Love

Sunday, June 19th is Father’s Day. Our message is “How Deep the Father’s Love”. Through scripture, readings and the singing of hymns, we will reflect on God as the Father; the Father in Creation, the Father in Refuge and Nourishment, the Father is Redemption and the Father in Faith. Together, we will confirm our faith and experience again how deep the Father’s love for us is vast beyond all measure. Scripture: Ephesians: 3:14-19 (CEB)

Personal Protective Equipment

This Sunday’s lectionary text is one that has been preached a number of times, and those with church backgrounds have likely heard this scripture directly or at least allusions to its imagery. Images of breastplates and helmets likely have limited impact for us, but perhaps we are familiar with other ways of wearing barriers to protect ourselves. Technical note: We experienced unexpected difficulties with this week’s audio. We apologize for this challenge to this week’s Worship service. Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-20…

What’s the Household of God?

This week’s topic in our “Questions That Matter” series is inspired by the Epistle reading from our Revised Common Lectionary. Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus tells his readers that they “are fellow citizens with God’s people…” who “belong to God’s household.” If your household is like mine, sometimes there is disagreement or even argument. This seems to be the case for Paul’s readers as he invites them into reconciliation with one another as one body in God’s household.…

Is Heaven Real?

Continuing our Questions That Matter series, we turn to a question that was asked in more than one form and has thus been synthesized into this: Is Heaven real? Our concept of eternal life is deeply rooted in sacred text, and I suggest it is intended to bring hope. But sometimes it is used to exclude. In this week’s message, we will consider the idea of eternal life, heaven, and who it’s for… Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46, Ephesians 1:15-23 (CEB)

Wisdom & Revelation

This Sunday is Christ the King Sunday and our third week of our Extended Advent series. It may seem as though all of our scriptures so far have been focused on eschatology (the theology of the last days). This is a fair assessment. Even when we follow the shorter four-week Advent schedule, the first of these is always an eschatological selection. This is because our preparations for the arrival of the Christ child parallel our preparations for the second coming…

God’s Accomplishment

This is the second in our series on Foundations, and this week’s message focuses on the Protestant Reformation. The reformers were particularly informed by Paul’s writing on grace and salvation by faith. In this focus, we humble ourselves and acknowledge that salvation is not our accomplishment but God’s. Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10