Sermons (Page 8)

Sermons are listed below with the most recent sermons first. Sermons may be browsed by date, books of the Bible, speaker, and more. Check back often for updates.

But I Say

As we continue the Sermon on the Mount from the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus pushes even more overtly against the common cultural practices—practices that remain today. He reminds us that our very thoughts are worthy of our consideration and evaluation. I suggest that what Jesus is getting at is that he wants more from us than a change in behavior. He wants from us and from humanity a change in heart, a change in being. Scripture: Matthew 5:21-37 (NRSVue)

You Are

In today’s text, Jesus asks us to reflect on the power we already have. “You are salt. You are light.” Not, “Do you want to be salt, or do you want to be light?” You already are. You already add flavor to this world. You already shine with a dazzling light. You are already loved and cherished by God. Scripture: Matthew 5:13-20 (CEB)

Not Lacking

Paul’s opening to his first letter to the church in Corinth begins with effusive affirmation. Paul reminds the faithful members of the community that they are good enough, smart enough, and worthy. As the church, we too may need such affirmation, but this doesn’t suggest that our work is done. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9, Psalm 40:1-3 (CEB)

The Water’s Fine

This first week of our series feels like the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry. John the Baptist has been proclaiming the forgiveness of sins in baptism, and Jesus arrives to be baptized as well. This baptismal tradition continues today, and in the United Methodist tradition we consider this a beginning of a life of faith and spirituality in community. For many of us, this changes us profoundly. Scripture: Matthew 3:13-17 (CEB)

Turn, Turn, Turn

Our New Year’s Day service brought a familiar text and music as we begin a new year looking both forward and backward… Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 (CEB)


We gather for a casual service with many of our in-person participants wearing favorite Christmas garb as we sing Christmas carols and enjoy the La Jolla community of faith! Scripture: Isaiah 52:7-10, Hebrews 1:1-4 (CEB)

Let the Stable Still Astonish

Our traditional Christmas Eve service is an essential experience with the La Jolla UMC faith community and indeed the surrounding community of La Jolla!. The Christmas story will be told through Scripture and song, and conclude with candle lighting. Scripture: Luke 2:1-7 (CEB)

The Journey of Joy

We place a great deal of value on traditions. Very often there is good reason for tradition! And sometimes it’s helpful to remember what is tradition and what may be behind a tradition. Scripture: Luke 2:22-40 (CEB)

The Promise of Potential

In “Light of the World,” Professor Amy-Jill Levine says about this scripture, “From Mary’s visit with Elizabeth, we see not only the importance of solidarity, across generations, between women, but also the importance of the human body, which provides its own signs of new beginnings. We see how revolutionary ideas can be given voice not just in the university or town hall, but in the quiet hill country homes; not just by soldiers with arms or politicians with pens, but…

The Meaning of Memory

This Thanksgiving Sunday begins our Advent season as we prepare our hearts for Christmas and remember the light of Christ in our lives. We begin with Elizabeth and Zechariah, and an angel making an unexpected prediction. Scripture: Luke 1:68-79 (CEB)

Scoffers on a Hill

What does it mean to speak of the Christ who reigns, or Christ the king? The one who reigns over us is the one who was tried as a criminal, who was punished by oppressive authorities and crucified. This is the one to whom we pledge our faith and devotion. As we worship in praise and in singing, let us also worship by living lives that have been changed by God’s love. Scripture: Luke 23:33-43 (NRSV)

Open-Mouthed Tourists

This week’s reading may be familiar as a group of religious leaders come to Jesus with a question about resurrection. This feels like an adversarial conversation; at least from one side of it. But perhaps one side’s adversarial approach doesn’t require an adversarial response. Scripture: Luke 21:5-19 (CEB)