Online Worship

Online Worship

Thank you for joining us online! Our Sunday services “go live” beginning each Sunday at 10am. We also offer other special services including concerts here. Videos and links are generally updated the morning of the anticipated service.

View the streams below as well as the live chat to interact with fellow participants! Note: live chat requires Google (gmail, youtube, etc.) account. Links for online giving and more are below the embedded videos. If a video doesn’t play automatically, click the Play icon in the center of the image and/or reload the page. For a brief Online Worship tutorial, click here.

Celebration of Life: Joseph and Helena Chan

Sunday Worship

Livestream for Upcoming Sunday

Christmas Eve Family Pageant

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Blue Christmas Worship

Please use our Digital Attendance sign-in to let us know you’re joining us online!

Digital Attendance Card
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    Digital Attendance Card

    Let us know that you're joining us for online Worship!