Sermon Notes (Page 7)
In preparation for our weekly worship services and sermons, we like to publish a brief note with some introductory paragraphs, the scripture, and a few thought-provoking questions. Some small groups may wish to use this as a resource for study with friends. We hope this helps you in your spiritual growth!
Notes on “God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle”
We continue the series “1/2 Truths” where every week we will explore and analyze a common Christian phrase. Last week we considered the phrase “Everything Happens for a Reason” and this week we move on to the phrase “God Won’t give You More Than You Can Handle.” This week we explore a phrase that seems so comforting at first! When we are at the depths of misery and pain, this might suggest that there are limits and that God is…
Notes on “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves”
We continue the series “1/2 Truths” where every week we will explore and analyze a common Christian phrase. Last week we considered the phrase “Everything Happens for a Reason” and this week we move on to the phrase “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves.” On one hand, this makes sense. A similar expression I’ve heard of this idea is: “You can’t pray to win the lottery without buying a ticket.” This fits with common sense. It doesn’t make sense to…
Notes on “Everything Happens for a Reason”
This week we will begin a series called “1/2 Truths.” Every week we will explore and analyze a common Christian phrase. We’ll ask ourselves what we really mean when we repeat these phrases, and why they are both comforting and uncomfortable. Most of our common phrases are only half true. Together we will pray, learn, and examine our hearts in order to find the whole truth through God’s love and grace. Deuteronomy 30: 15-20 (CEB) 15 “Look here! Today I’ve set…
Notes on “The Final Week”
The season of Lent is essential in Christian tradition, and is made up of the forty days (not including Sundays) that lead up to Easter Sunday. This Lent, we focus on the Gospel of Luke, and are guided by the book Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws by Rev. Adam Hamilton. While Palm Sunday is still a week away, this Sunday we focus on Jesus’ final week and final teachings. At the conclusion of this week’s text, Jesus…
Notes on “On the Journey to Jerusalem”
The season of Lent is essential in Christian tradition, and is made up of the forty days (not including Sundays) that lead up to Easter Sunday. This Lent, we focus on the Gospel of Luke, and are guided by the book Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws by Rev. Adam Hamilton. This week’s text shows Jesus interacting with a particular marginalized community. Skin diseases like the one described in the text below had special rules in the Jewish…
Notes on “Parables From the Underside”
The season of Lent is essential in Christian tradition, and is made up of the forty days (not including Sundays) that lead up to Easter Sunday. This Lent, we focus on the Gospel of Luke, and are guided by the book Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws by Rev. Adam Hamilton. This Sunday we will read a familiar story by Jesus traditionally called “The Prodigal Son.” This is one of a few parables in the Gospel of Luke…
Notes on “Simon, Do You See This Woman?”
The season of Lent is essential in Christian tradition, and is made up of the forty days (not including Sundays) that lead up to Easter Sunday. This Lent, we focus on the Gospel of Luke, and are guided by the book Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws by Rev. Adam Hamilton. We continue our series in consideration of the treatment of women in ancient culture and how—even though we have made progress in our current time—we still have…
Notes on “Lifting Up the Lowly”
The season of Lent is essential in Christmas tradition, and is made up of the forty days (not including Sundays) that lead up to Easter Sunday. This Lent, we focus on the Gospel of Luke, and are guided by the book Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws by Adam Hamilton. As we begin exploring the Gospel of Luke, we may see right away that the author brings a particular focus. Reading his introduction and the initial retelling of…
Notes on “Super Sunday”
In the weeks after Christmas, we are in the season of Epiphany. This begins with the arrival of the Magi which we consider the first glimpse of God’s incarnation to the world. This week concludes this series as we enter into the season of Lent. This week is Transfiguration Sunday. This is an important time in Jesus’ ministry as he—as the saying goes—turns his face to Jerusalem. Jesus begins to focus his time and energy on his final teachings and…
Notes on “But I Say”
In the weeks after Christmas, we are in the season of Epiphany. This begins with the arrival of the Magi which we consider the first glimpse of God’s incarnation to the world. As we continue the Sermon on the Mount from the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus pushes even more overtly against the common cultural practices—practices that remain today. He reminds us that our very thoughts are worthy of our consideration and evaluation. I suggest that what Jesus is getting at…
Notes on “You Are”
In the weeks after Christmas, we are in the season of Epiphany. This begins with the arrival of the Magi which we consider the first glimpse of God’s incarnation to the world. Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSVue) 13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything but is thrown out and trampled under foot. 14 “You are the light of the world. A city built…
Notes on “Blessed Are”
In the weeks after Christmas, we are in the season of Epiphany. This begins with the arrival of the Magi which we consider the first glimpse of God’s incarnation to the world. As we continue our series, we move from Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth to Matthew’s Gospel, the Sermon on the Mount, and (as it’s commonly known) the Beatitudes. In his sermon, Jesus pushes against the common wisdom of both the past and present in naming those…