Sermon Notes (Page 13)
In preparation for our weekly worship services and sermons, we like to publish a brief note with some introductory paragraphs, the scripture, and a few thought-provoking questions. Some small groups may wish to use this as a resource for study with friends. We hope this helps you in your spiritual growth!
Notes on “The Kingdom of Heaven is Like Yeast”
This Sunday we continue our sermon series on the parables of Jesus, guided by the book Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi by Amy-Jill Levine. We seem to value things that are tall. Go with me on this. We like towers. We like mountains. We often place importance on a person’s height. We like the spires on churches. We use phrases about being “built up” in positive ways. We tell people to “stand tall” in…
Notes on “Hospitality: the Good Samaritan”
This Sunday we continue our sermon series on the parables of Jesus, guided by the book Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi by Amy-Jill Levine. Once again, we enter into a familiar story. The Good Samaritan is surely one we’ve heard ourselves, we’ve heard a number of pop culture references, and perhaps we’ve even seen children or grandchildren or nieces/nephews perform skits. We know this story! Perhaps we even see ourselves in this story. We…
Notes on “Prodigal Son Redux”
This Sunday we begin a new sermon series on the parables of Jesus, and the first will be the familiar story of the prodigal son. We’ve surely heard this story before, and sometimes when we hear the same story again and again—even one that has importance to us—we can drift away and lose interest. But when we hear another storyteller or hear another perspective, we can find new interest and new joy in the same story once again. As you…
Notes on “Heart of the Matter”
This Sunday we will focus on the lectionary text from Mark 7, which covers the conversation between Jesus and some Pharisees and legal experts. Although it is easy to glance over this text and jump to a conclusion that Jesus is condemning the religious practices held by the Pharisees and legal experts, a closer look at Jesus’ response will help us understand that what he is mainly concerned with is the intention of their hearts. We have different motives and…
Notes on “Personal Protective Equipment”
This Sunday’s lectionary text is one that has been preached a number of times, and those with church backgrounds have likely heard this scripture directly or at least allusions to its imagery. Images of breastplates and helmets likely have limited impact for us because we aren’t used to living in a place occupied by Roman soldiers as was prevalent in Paul’s time. But perhaps we are familiar with wearing barriers to protect ourselves. Perhaps even in our moderate climate we…
Notes on “Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?”
As we conclude our Questions That Matter series, it is my hope that this has been a time of exploration and growth. This final question in the series may be the most asked, and is certainly the most common question I am asked when people want to push or challenge me on my religiosity. I vividly remember the aggressive phrasing of a non-theist friend as he asked about the existence of evil in the face of an all-loving God. I…
Notes on “How Do We Face Evil & Injustice?”
We are nearing the end of this season of questions with just a few weeks to go. This week’s question comes from an LJUMC member who asks about our responsibility in standing up to bullies and bigots. I was reminded of our Baptismal vows to “renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world” and to “resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.” As a spiritual community of faithful Christians, we might…
Notes on “What’s the Household of God?”
This week’s topic in our “Questions That Matter” series is inspired by the Epistle reading from our Revised Common Lectionary. Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus tells his readers that they “are fellow citizens with God’s people…” who “belong to God’s household.” If your household is like mine, sometimes there is disagreement or even argument. This seems to be the case for Paul’s readers as he invites them into reconciliation with one another as one body in God’s household.…
Notes on “What’s So Important About Community?”
This week we continue our “Questions That Matter” series with a question about community. This is deeply connected to our upcoming festivities this Sunday as we gather together to celebrate Independence Day. As we connect with one another, we will see floats and friends, we will laugh, we will see one another and this day of celebration through a common lens. We will surely meet new people and see people we haven’t seen in a long time. We will connect…
Notes on “Why Is the Bible Like That?”
This week we continue our “Questions That Matter” series with a query from Joey, age 8: “How many people wrote the Bible? And why are some stories repeated?” This is a profound question of critical analysis! I sat in classrooms in seminary with graduate students who had never thought to ask questions like this about the Bible. It’s also not that easy to answer, unless we say, “Well, we don’t exactly know!”. What we know today as “The Bible” has gone…
Notes on “Where do We See God?”
This Sunday we begin our new series on Questions that Matter. If you have yet to hear about this series, we are taking questions from the congregation and other sources about our faith, spirituality, denomination, congregation, and more in an effort to grow in discipleship. This first week, we address a deep question that is rooted in our experience of God. As United Methodists, many of us affirm the Wesleyan Quadrilateral where we approach faith through scripture, tradition, reason, and…
Notes on “Seeking Light in the Darkness”
This Sunday is Trinity Sunday and begins our regular season that follows Pentecost. This is the longest season in our Lectionary calendar, lasting all the way until we begin the church year again in Advent! We use the liturgical color green for this season, and one way we might think about this is as a season of growth. Beginning this season of growth, we include one of the most-often-memorized scriptures. Many of us memorized John 3:16 in early Sunday School…