Church News (Page 4)
Sermon Note: Power in Peace
Introduction As we have journeyed through our series on Seeking God, we’ve marveled at God’s awe-inspiring presence and celebrated God’s boundless creativity. Last week, we looked at another profound aspect of God’s nature: God’s perfect love. This week, we will study Psalm 20 and discuss the Power of Peace. This Wednesday, June 19th, we will celebrate Juneteenth, a day many consider to be our country’s second Independence Day. Let us take time this week to watch a documentary about Juneteenth…
Sermon Note: Perfect in Love
Introduction As we have journeyed through our series on Seeking God, we’ve marveled at God’s awe-inspiring presence and celebrated God’s boundless creativity. This week, we look at another profound aspect of God’s nature: God’s perfect love. Psalm 138 is a hymn of thanksgiving, highlighting God’s unwavering love and faithfulness. As we consider these verses, we may be reminded that God’s love is not only vast and encompassing but also deeply personal and transformative. It is a love that meets us…
Sermon Note: Creative Creator
Introduction As we continue our series on Seeking God, we explore Psalm 139 which beautifully captures the omniscience and omnipresence of God, portraying a Creator who knows us intimately and is with us constantly. This Psalm invites us to marvel at the intricacy and intentionality with which we are made, highlighting the divine artistry involved in our creation. As we prayerfully consider these verses, we are called to recognize and celebrate the creative power of God today, in our lives…
Sermon Note: Awe-Inspiring Presence
Introduction We are beginning the longest season of the Christian Year, the Sundays after Pentecost (sometimes called Ordinary Time). But perhaps this season is where our faith gets put to the test. From Advent through Pentecost Sunday, we are walking with Jesus, learning, growing, and inviting alongside him; observing and listening as he makes his earthly journey. Then on Pentecost, the church takes the stage and seeks to live out all that has been learned as we show the world…
Sermon Note: Dry Bones, Flames, and a New Spirit
Introduction This is Pentecost Sunday! In the Christian tradition, this is sometimes celebrated as the birthday of the universal church. This Sunday we will explore how the gift of the Holy Spirit inspires us to new life, new ministry, new ways of being community and the church! Illustration Video Video Discussion Questions Ezekiel 37:1-14 (CEB) 1The Lord’s power overcame me, and while I was in the Lord’s spirit, he led me out and set me down in the middle of…
Notes on “…and know I am God”
Introduction We conclude our post-Easter sermon series exploring “The Power of Words.” This week, we will discuss the power of words as institutional authority. Our denomination just finished its work at General Conference in Charlotte, NC. Important matters were addressed by this United Methodist international decision-making body. The theme of General Conference was based on Psalm 46, entitled “…and know I am God.” The General Conference successfully completed three tasks: Illustration Video Scripture Psalm 46:1-5, 9-10 (NRSVue) 1God is our…
Notes on “Religion & Politics”
Introduction We continue our post-Easter sermon series exploring “The Power of Words.” This week, we remember the common conflict-avoidance of never talking about politics or religion by exploring both! As our denomination gathers at General Conference in Charlotte, NC, important matters are addressed by this international decision-making body. How we address one another even in these high-impact situations can say a lot about who we are. Illustration Video Use this link to watch our illustration video (this version can’t be…
Notes on “Family Words: Hurtful or Life-Giving”
Introduction We continue our post-Easter sermon series exploring “The Power of Words.” This week, we look at our families–whether those are families of origin, chosen families, church families, or some combination. Sometimes our family members know just how to push our buttons, and we are then faced with how to respond. Sometimes we are so comfortable with a family member that we don’t filter our words before speaking them. Our choices matter, our words matter, in how we treat and…
Notes on “Defining Words”
Introduction This week we begin our new worship series “The Power of Words.” This Sunday we will discuss the importance of clear definitions as the foundation of any successful conversation, and the importance of curiosity in the pursuit of true connection and belonging. Illustration Video 1 Here is a video by Dr. Donald Hoffman, Professor of Cognitive Science at the University of California, Irvine. In this video he tells us why clear definitions are so important to conversations – especially…
Notes on “The Crucifixion of the Christ”
Introduction We conclude our Lenten sermon series based on the book The Last Week by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan, journeying day by day through Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem. As we journey in Worship the entirety of Holy Week, we will begin with the waving of palms and conclude in silence. As we look at Palm and Passion Sunday, we revisit our full Lenten journey. Illustration Video Video Discussion Questions Mark 15:1-15 (CEB) 1At daybreak, the chief priests—with…
Notes on “A Meal, a Prayer, a Trial”
Introduction We continue our Lenten sermon series based on the book The Last Week by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan, journeying day by day through Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem. We are quickly moving to the end of the week, and therefore closer to the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus. Each day has been building, and this day we arrive at Jesus’ most profound teaching at the last supper. But that’s not the end of the day… Illustration Video…
Notes on “Setting the Plot in Motion”
Introduction We continue our Lenten sermon series based on the book The Last Week by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan, journeying day by day through Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem. This week we move to Wednesday, commonly called “Spy Wednesday” in the Christian liturgical calendar. On this day of Jesus’ final week, two of Jesus’ followers make important decisions that set the plot in motion for Jesus’ arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. The writer of the Gospel of Mark contrasts…