Church News (Page 20)

La Jolla UMC Sanctuary Stained Glass Windows Part 2

At the outset the committee and designer recognized some of the very real restrictions on this project – the dimensions of the windows and the limited amount of sunlight which enters the building because of the roof overhand and permanently installed tinted windows. Use of leaded glass or faceted was considered and the decision was made to use both. At the time the windows were made the design team was unaware of any other works where both leaded and faceted…

La Jolla UMC Sanctuary Stained Glass Windows

The seven stained glass windows in the LJUMC Sanctuary tell the story of the creation of the world in six days and a Sabbath rest as found in Genesis 1:1-2:3. ONE – Creation of light, separation of light from darkness: day and night          -light and dark colors TWO – Separation of waters bgelow from waters above: sea and sky          – clouds above water THREE – Separation of dry land from waters, earth…

Historical Postcard

Even in the 1950’s churches has postcards created to advertise to the community. A beautiful postcard of La Jolla UMC, found in our archives, has this information on the back: La Jolla Methodist Church      Founded in 1953. Friendliness, typified by this December Coffee Hour in the church patio, has contributed to the continuing growth and expanding service to a picturesque community. 6063 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla, California.

2020 Stewardship Series: RE:IMAGINE

October is the traditional month that LJUMC explores Stewardship. In doing so, we will RE:IMAGINE ministry understanding that the world has continued to change around us—especially now. In the coming weeks, we will explore Stewardship guided by the book of Isaiah and be inspired to step boldly forward into the new thing that God is already doing. Oct. 6 – Reveal (Pastor Bob Rhodes) Oct. 11 – Rethink (Pastor Lea Booth) Oct. 20 – Renew (Pastor Bob Rhodes) Oct. 27…

Rummage Sale Update

Please forgive the long silence regarding the rummage sale.  As most of you are aware, we were all set up to have our annual sale on March 14 and “pulled the plug” the Thursday before.  With the help of dedicated crew, we tore everything down and put it in storage, thinking we might be able to have a sale in the fall. Obviously, that is NOT going to happen. At this point, we have no date in mind.  Since the…