Music Ministry is integral to the life of the people of La Jolla UMC. Our talented Chancel Choir, the Dorian Bell Choir, and the Praise Band are two spiritual families within the larger family of this congregation.
For more information or to join any of our talented groups, please contact our Music Ministries Director, Bob Wuertz.
Chancel Choir
Integral to the spiritual and social fabric of La Jolla United Methodist Church, three musical groups contribute to the enrichment of the worship service and offer fellowship within the larger family of this congregation.

The accomplished Chancel Choir contributes a diverse variety of music, classic anthems, rousing gospel arrangements and contemporary Christian music. Sections within the choir are led by soloists, who strengthen our sound and also add additional solo and ensemble presentations. Concerts are offered throughout the year and include a spring concert, an ever-so-popular “Pops” Concert in the summer, and our annual Christmas Concert with the Dorian Bells, soloists and instrumental ensemble.
Throughout its history the Chancel Choir has traveled extensively throughout the United States and abroad, and performed locally in Northern and Southern California. Each year the choir also does community outreach through performances at local retirement venues and neighborhood Christmas caroling. The choir is open to all who love to sing. No audition is required, just a love for singing. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 7:00–8:30 pm. You are welcome to visit and participate in a rehearsal. Come see what we’re all about. Call the church office, talk to our Director, Bob Wuertz, or any choir member. We’d love to have you join us!
Dorian Bells
Our hand bell choir is known as the Dorian Bells, in honor and loving memory of Mark Dorian, our church organist/composer/arranger who was with us for many years. Formed in 2011, the hand bell choir has grown to its current size of twelve active ringers. Through the generosity of congregation members, funds were raised to procure a three-octave set of Schulmerich bells and three octaves of hand chimes. Through the dedication of its members, musical selections are offered in worship monthly and at all three church concerts yearly. Requirements to participate with Dorian Bells include and interest and love for the craft. The ability to read music is a plus, but we will train you if you don’t read. Just be able to count. We’ll do the rest. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings 5:45–6:45 pm (just prior to Chancel Choir, so you can do both if interested).

Praise Band
Complementing the worship styles at La Jolla UMC is music from our very own Praise Band. Music from contemporary and rock Christian artists are offered up in both uplifting and contemplative stylings.
The band will also lead in worship with music monthly from our two supplemental songbooks: The Faith We Sing and Worship & Song.

Comprising the group are vocalists, keyboard, drums, rhythm and bass guitar, and a variety of other instrumentalists. So if you play an instrument, or love to sing praise music, this group could be for you. Rehearsals are bi-monthly on Tuesday evenings from 7:00–8:30 pm.