
Adult Education

Thursday AM Bible Study

If you are interested in joining the 8:00 am Thursday Morning Bible Study Zoom Meeting, please contact Don Lincoln at or by phone at 619-838-0817 for help in getting on Zoom and/or the meeting info to join.

The current Bible Study is “The History of Christianity: From the Disciples to the Dawn of the Reformation” by Emory Professor- Luke Timothy Johnson.

Explorers Group

If you are interested in joining the 9:00 am Sunday Morning Explorer’s Zoom Meeting, please contact Don Lincoln at dlincoln@dlincolnlaw.comor by phone at 619-838-0817 for help in getting on Zoom and/or the meeting info to join.

The intent of the meeting is to discuss and study current events and how they should be interpreted in light of our Christian heritage and tradition. 

As might be expected, many diverse opinions are represented within the group, and discussions tend to be quite lively. It is our goal to present fairly all sides of the issue.  All are welcome to join in helping us discern our role in these issues  and how they relate to  LJUMC.

Book Talk

Your Fireside Library volunteers committee under the leadership of Susan Russell has arranged for a new season of reviews by people who love books.  They will cover a wide variety of books.

Our book talks are from October through May on the first Wednesday of each month at 2:00 PM in the Fireside Library and last for one hour or so.

Adult Fellowship Groups

There are numerous Adult Fellowship Groups at LJ UMC. Find one that fits and join like-minded people getting together for food, fellowship, and fun. Most groups meet monthly. Contact the church office for more information.

Life-Stage Groups

Boomers – A group for adults who are in their mid-forties to early sixties, singles, couples, and those with children of a variety of ages.(Boomer generation) For more information, please contact George Ann Wurster at

Los Casados & Los Amigos – An adult groups for those who are retired and looking for laughter and good friendships. For more information, please contact Margie Herrick at or Roger Wiggans at

Metharounds – A group for sixty-plus adults who are enjoying life with retirement on the horizon. For more information, please contact Sarilee Anderson at

Young Adults Group – meets once a month for food and fellowship.  The group is made up of young professionals, college age adults, and young parents. Meeting dates/times/locations are arranged via email each month to best suit the schedules of the group. For more information please contact Chelsea Carter, 

Common Interest Groups

Chancel Choir – The Chancel Choir is a group of individuals who love to sing.  We rehearse on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8:30 and gather at 9:30 Sunday mornings to prepare for that morning’s worship.  We have three concerts a year—Christmas, Spring, and Summer Pops.  

The Choir has become a “family” within the larger LJUMC family.  In addition to our common love of music, we share joys and concerns and celebrate and pray with each other. We always welcome new members.  No audition is required.  Being able to attend EVERY Thursday and EVERY Sunday is not a requirement.  For example, many of our members travel frequently and come regularly on Thursdays and Sundays when in town!

If you love to sing and would enjoy being part of this wonderful part of LJUMC, we invite you to join us! 

Any questions?  Contact Director Bob at or Sandy Coler at

Dorian Bells – The Dorian Bell Choir wants you!!!! The bell choir rehearses from on Thursdays from 5:45 p.m.-6:45 p.m. and performs from time to time on Sundays during worship as well as at three concerts per year—Christmas, Spring, and Summer Pops.  It is an excellent opportunity for those who love music and have the wish to participate with music.  You don’t have to be a “musician” to participate.  If you can count, we can teach you how to play!  We have ringers who are “wannabe” choir members, but can’t carry a tune and find their musical “outlet” in bell ringing.  Come and join us!  Questions?  Contact Director Bob at