Advent and Christmas are vibrant celebrations at La Jolla UMC, and we are excited to celebrate this season once again. We believe that the annual reminder to live with Christ at the center of our lives is essential to our spiritual identity.
In addition to Christmas Eve Worship, a number of other Advent and Christmas activities may be found below. All Worship services are in-person, and can also be found online at
- The Redemption of Scrooge – Advent Worship Series
- Annual Christmas Workshop – December 7th at 10am
- Community Christmas Concert – December 8th at 4pm
- Blue Christmas Service – December 21st at 6:30pm
- Christmas Eve Family Christmas Pageant – December 24th at 5pm
- Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols – December 24th at 7pm
The Redemption of Scrooge

This year, our Sunday Worship series is guided by two books: Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is a timeless story, and Matt Rawle’s The Redemption of Scrooge helps us to see this story as one of grace and redemption. Each week, we will explore the necessity of preparing ourselves for the celebration of Jesus’ birth and God’s incarnation in the world.
- December 1: “Living in God’s Economy” – Matthew 20:1-16
- December 8: “Jesus, the Redeemer of Our Past” – Matthew 4:18-23
- December 15: “The Greatest Gift” – Luke 2:8-20
- December 22: “Accepting Christ’s Invitation” – Romans 8:4b-17
Annual Christmas Workshop
The 2024 edition of our Christmas Workshop will take place Saturday, December 7th from 10 am until 1 pm. Intended for children 1st through 6th grade, this annual event helps starts the season and helps kids make meaningful Christmas presents for loved ones!
Community Christmas Concert
Our annual Community Christmas Concert will be held on Sunday, December 8th at 4pm and features our Chancel Choir, Dorian Bells, orchestra, and soloists. We center this musical extravaganza around the theme, “Journey to Bethlehem.” There is no admission cost, though a free-will offering will be taken during the concert. What an incredible way to get into the Christmas Spirit!
Blue Christmas Service
We understand that the Christmas season is not a joyous celebration for everyone. For those who wrestle with grief and sadness during this time, we offer a special worship service in partnership with our friends at Pacific Beach UMC and held here in our Sanctuary. The service will be held on Saturday, December 21st at 6:30pm.
Christmas Eve Family Christmas Pageant
Enjoy a fun family-friendly worship service beginning at 5pm featuring the Christmas story, lots of carols, and creative pageantry and costumes!
Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols
Our traditional Christmas Eve service will be online and in person at 7pm in our beautiful Sanctuary. The Christmas story will be told through Scripture and song, and conclude with candle lighting.