Sermon Notes (Page 14)

In preparation for our weekly worship services and sermons, we like to publish a brief note with some introductory paragraphs, the scripture, and a few thought-provoking questions. Some small groups may wish to use this as a resource for study with friends. We hope this helps you in your spiritual growth!

Notes on “Our Daily Bread”

When I was in Boot Camp at MCRD Parris Island, there was a food hoarding problem (in retrospect, I imagine this is a perennial thing). Recruits would squirrel away peanut butter packets or granola bars or apples–really, anything we could get our hands on–because even though we were ostensibly eating 2200 calories a day, we were always hungry. Maybe even more than this, though, when someone else (whom you barely know) is in control of your every moment, it can…

Notes on “On Earth as It Is in Heaven”

This week we continue our series exploring the importance of the central teaching of The Lord’s Prayer. Told primarily in Matthew 6 and Luke 11 (with a very brief and arguable allusion in Mark 11), this prayer is central to the Christian tradition and is prayed countless times each week. Pastor Lea explored the opening verse last week (find her sermon here), and this week we follow seeking God’s kingdom on earth as it is from heaven. It may be…

Notes on “Hallowed Be Thy Name”

This week begins our series on the Lord’s Prayer, also called the “Our Father” or the “Prayer of Jesus”. I began reading Bishop Will Willimon’s book on this prayer this week in preparation for this sermon, and one remark he makes struck me early on: “A Christian is none other than someone who has learned to pray the Lord’s prayer.” While Willimon argues that we should memorize the prayer so as to have access to it when we don’t know…

Notes on “Risking the Salvation of God”

This is the end of Lent and the beginning of our celebration of resurrection! This is a time of looking forward with renewed hope after a period of darkness. This is a time that surely feels surprising, even to the point that we may even doubt what we see and what we feel. Could it be?? If these words—written to describe the feelings of those early followers more than 2000 years ago—feel familiar to you today, it is no wonder.…

Notes on “Risking Temptation”

This is the sixth week of the season of Lent and Palm/Passion Sunday. We conclude our Worship series guided by Amy-Jill Levine’s Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week. The Scripture passage this Sunday is John 18:1-11. As we near our Easter celebration, we might be tempted to want over to skip over the bad stuff and jump straight to the celebration and the eggs and the fun! And we would be wrong to do this.…

Notes on “Risking the Loss of Friends”

This week we continue our series on Holy Week as we look at Chapter 5 of Amy-Jill Levine’s book Entering Christ’s Passion: Holy Week for Beginners, “Risking the Loss of Friends.” The Scripture passage this week is from Luke 22:14-27. As we continue through Holy Week and near Easter, we arrive at a profoundly moving gathering of Jesus with his disciples. Gathering for the Passover celebration, Jesus does something extraordinary. Told differently in the Gospels (read Matthew 26, Mark 14,…

Notes on “Risking Rejection”

This week we continue our series on Holy Week as we look at Chapter 4 of Amy-Jill Levine’s book Entering Christ’s Passion: Holy Week for Beginners, “Risking Rejection.” The Scripture passage this week is from John 12:1-8 (see below), which is the story of a woman anointing Jesus’ feet. This story can be found in different forms in Mark 14:3-9, Matthew 26:6-13, and Luke 7:36-50. We may recall this story of a woman in its various forms. Perhaps we think…

Notes on “Risking Challenge”

This week we continue our series on Holy Week as we look at Chapter 3 of Amy-Jill Levine’s book Entering Christ’s Passion: Holy Week for Beginners, “Risking Challenge.” The Scripture passage this week is from Mark 12:28-34 (see below), and Levine’s book also references Matthew 22:15-22 and Mark 12:41-44. As we center on this third week of Lent, we land on Tuesday of Holy Week with Jesus remaining in Jerusalem. The Gospel of Mark (from which we read this week)…

Notes on “Risking Righteous Anger”

This week we continue our series on Holy Week as we look at Chapter 2 of Amy-Jill Levine’s book Entering Christ’s Passion: Holy Week for Beginners, “Risking Righteous Anger”. The Scripture passage this week is from Mark 11:15-19, the story of the cleansing of the Temple. This story is having a bit of a revival right now among Christians of my generation (and others!). Those of us who grew up in or around Christian traditions where the main goal of…

Notes on “Risking Reputation”

This is the first week of the season of Lent, and the first week of our new Worship series guided by Amy-Jill Levine’s Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week. Each Sunday we will journey through Jesus’ final week in Jerusalem culminating in the cross and then resurrection Sunday! This week begins with the first day of Holy Week, which brings the familiar scripture of Palm Sunday. If you are one who loves the traditions of…

Notes on “Practical Theology”

This is the final week of our sermon series “Reading the Bible Again for the First Time,” in which we have explored ways to read the Bible more deeply, with a mind to history, context, genre, and literary analysis. You can find resources on reading and studying the Bible here. This week, we shift from how to read into how to live as we dive into the theme of practical theology. In week one, on “Epiphany & Creation,” Pastor Bob…

Notes on “Revelation & Apocalypse”

In this sixth and penultimate week of our sermon series on how we read our Bibles, we continue our exploration of our sacred texts. The final book in the New Testament was not necessarily the final book written, but was placed there because of its focus. Revelation (please note that it’s singular, not plural) is a letter written describing a vision or dream that is author experienced. Attributed to an author named John, scholars are not unified in naming which…