Announcements (Page 2)

South District Called to Welcome Refugees

Christ United Methodist Ministry Center (CMC) is a Methodist-based 501(c)3 (non-profit) charity in San Diego working to provide physical and emotional assistance for the disadvantaged and underserved communities in San Diego County. Following Mathew 25 guidance to “welcome strangers”, CMC also has over ten years of experience in helping refugees who crossed into San Diego through the Southern border with Mexico, establishing another 501(c)3 (non-profit) called Safe Harbors Network (SHN). Through CMC and SHN, thousands of documented refugees through the…


One of the lessons learned from the pandemic is the necessity of continuing the work of the church in new ways. Zoom (and other video conferencing software) provided a means of staying in touch where all conferencing members used their own computers and tablets. As the pandemic began to lift, some groups found their members assembling at church, while others preferred to remain at home. This resulted in a “hybrid” type of meeting not well served by Zoom. Those members…

UMCOR for Ukraine

As you have probably seen in the e-Journal and at our Sunday service, the UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery fund is providing direct assistance to those in Ukraine as well as assistance to Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries. You can learn more about United Methodists and Ukraine at this website: There is more specific information in the links listed under “Resources.” We can be proud of the Charity Watch A+ rating for the United Methodist Committee on Relief…

Camp – Faith, Friends, and Fun

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Early Bird registration for Cal-Pac 2022 Summer Camps has begun and runs through April 1, 2022.  All of our campers and staff come from rich and diverse backgrounds allowing for shared experiences to shape our identities. There will be three camps, all offering a variety of games and activities for campers to enjoy. The leadership teams work hard planning group bonding games,…

Witness at the Cross: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Friday

Our Lenten class will be a six week study using brand new material by one of our favorite teachers…Amy-Jill Levine.  Through this study, we’ll engage the meaning of Good Friday, an essential day in our Christian story as we make our way toward Easter.  Levine will guide us through the account of Jesus’ crucifixion as it’s told in each of the four gospels, prompting us to bring our curiosity and questions as we spend time with the “witnesses” who were…

Unity Build with Habitat for Humanity

La Jolla UMC has an opportunity to serve.  San Diego Habitat for Humanity is building six homes in National City. A Unity Build event will be held from February 4th through February 6th to help complete this project.  There will be more information provided later this month. Volunteers do not need to have any special skills or prior experience, and your commitment could just be for one of the days. You can find some information on this webpage: There…

Welcome Potluck Lunch

All Saints Day

On Sunday November 7th we will spend time in worship to memorialize those dear ones who have died since All Saints Day one year ago.  Please contact the church office and let us know the names of all those you would like to lift in worship that day.

Book Talk

Book Talk has successfully re-launched!  Thirteen enthusiastic readers gathered in Fellowship Hall on October 6 to hear veteran presenter Mary Jane Lincoln talk about the entertaining book Running With Sherman, by Christopher McDougall. Next meeting: November 3, with Cindy Rushing commenting on the book  Any Human Heart, by William Boyd.  Cindy will also be recommending favorite titles from her own new book group. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Book Group will now begin meeting at a new start time: 2:00pm, which is a…

Short Stories by Jesus

Beginning in September and running through the end of October, we will embark on a study of the parables of Jesus as told in the Gospels. Each week will bring a parable that we might study, and especially examine in context. We will be guided in this series by the book Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi by Amy-Jill Levine. Dr. Levine is University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School…

New Sermon Series: The Lord’s Prayer

This year, we at LJUMC have been looking at the most core elements of our faith and practices. We have explored how we read our Bibles, the reasons why we celebrate Lent and its importance, and more. Continuing this idea, we turn now to the essential spiritual practice of prayer. People across faith traditions, and even non-faith traditions, practice some form of centering or meditation or prayer. In the Christian tradition, we remember that Jesus taught his followers how to…

Reading the Bible Again

Starting in January, 2021, we will begin a new Worship series that takes us back to basics. If we can affirm that our sacred texts, our Bible, contains the stories and knowledge we require to build a relationship with God; perhaps we can also affirm that deeply thoughtful and spiritual study is required in order to discover God in its pages. Guided by the book Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously but Not Literally,…