Posts by Office Admin (Page 5)
2020 Stewardship Series: RE:IMAGINE
October is the traditional month that LJUMC explores Stewardship. In doing so, we will RE:IMAGINE ministry understanding that the world has continued to change around us—especially now. In the coming weeks, we will explore Stewardship guided by the book of Isaiah and be inspired to step boldly forward into the new thing that God is already doing. Oct. 6 – Reveal (Pastor Bob Rhodes) Oct. 11 – Rethink (Pastor Lea Booth) Oct. 20 – Renew (Pastor Bob Rhodes) Oct. 27…
Rummage Sale Update
Please forgive the long silence regarding the rummage sale. As most of you are aware, we were all set up to have our annual sale on March 14 and “pulled the plug” the Thursday before. With the help of dedicated crew, we tore everything down and put it in storage, thinking we might be able to have a sale in the fall. Obviously, that is NOT going to happen. At this point, we have no date in mind. Since the…
Historical Watercolor
The beautiful watercolor pictures shown at the top of this page (or click the thumbnail below) is a painting of our Church campus. It was found when we were looking through archives this summer. Written on the back is “The Big Picture,” “1958 Dreams” and it is signed by M.P. Campbell. If you have additional information about this picture, please share it with the church office!
Groundbreaking of new Sanctuary & Memorial Hall
This picture was taken at the Groundbreaking for the new Sanctuary and Memorial Hall in June 1970.
New Sermon Series: Foundations
During the month of September, we’re looking at the foundations of our faith, remembering that the strength of our foundation help us to build toward the future. Each week, we’ll explore the important traditions that have brought us to the vibrant congregation we are today. The full series can be found on this page as they are completed. Sept. 6 – Early Christian History (Pastor Bob Rhodes) Sept. 13 – Protestant History (Pastor Bob Rhodes) Sept. 20 – Methodist/Wesleyan History…
Henrietta Nesne Scrapbook page
From a Scrapbook prepared by Henrietta Nesne
First Pastor of the La Jolla Church
The Rev. Dr. McFadden was a resident at Casa de Mañana in 1951 when it opened. He served as its first chaplain and held that position for six years. At Casa de Mañana his duties included counseling fellow residents, leading worship services, and a series of studies in religion and literature. With no Methodist church in La Jolla, the Rev. Dr. McFadden was interested in organizing one. The La Jolla Methodist Church was established on May 28, 1953 with seven charter members. He was appointed as the first pastor…