Witness at the Cross: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Friday

Witness at the Cross: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Friday

Our Lenten class will be a six week study using brand new material by one of our favorite teachers…Amy-Jill Levine.  Through this study, we’ll engage the meaning of Good Friday, an essential day in our Christian story as we make our way toward Easter.  Levine will guide us through the account of Jesus’ crucifixion as it’s told in each of the four gospels, prompting us to bring our curiosity and questions as we spend time with the “witnesses” who were present on that holy and difficult day.  Who were they?  Why were they included in the story?  What can we learn from them?  How does their experience make a difference to our experience today?  
You are invited to join Pastor Lori and friends from Pacific Beach UMC and La Jolla UMC for this time of learning and fellowship!  We’ll meet on Monday nights from 6:30 to 7:30 via Zoom, beginning Monday, March 7th.  There will be a short video at the beginning of each session.  A participant book is available for those who would like to do addition self-study.  Books can be purchased through Cokesbury or Amazon.   


    George Ann Wurster

    Charlie and I would like to participate in this study. We’ve ordered the study guide and are looking forward to it. I imagine you’ll be sending a zoom link.

      Bob Rhodes

      I’ll let Theresa in the office know that you two are interested and you should receive a participation link from Pastor Lord or from the PB church office! Thank you for joining in!

    Rosie Crowder

    Paul and Rosie Crowder from La Jolla would like to join. There might be some Monday nights that either one of us might be working, but will try to keep up.

      Bob Rhodes

      Rosie, this is great! I’ll let Theresa know so you get the info you need!

    Ann Davis

    Pastor Bob & Theresa Erb,
    This is Ann Davis and I’d like to join the Lenten Zoom study beginning Monday evening, March 7th. I will get the book as there may be a Monday or two that I can
    not make the Zoom. I will try to be present for all six sessions. Thank you in advance.
    Blessings to you both, Ann

      Bob Rhodes

      Ann, I’ll let Theresa know and she’ll direct you on contacting Pastor Lori directly!

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