Book Talk

Book Talk has successfully re-launched!  Thirteen enthusiastic readers gathered in Fellowship Hall on October 6 to hear veteran presenter Mary Jane Lincoln talk about the entertaining book Running With Sherman, by Christopher McDougall.

Next meeting: November 3, with Cindy Rushing commenting on the book  Any Human Heart, by William Boyd.  Cindy will also be recommending favorite titles from her own new book group.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Book Group will now begin meeting at a new start time: 2:00pm, which is a half hour later than in the past.  Also, in line with current Covid protocol at LJUMC, we may meet outside the Fireside Library, on the patio or inside Fellowship Hall if necessary for social distancing, and we continue to ask attendees to be masked if indoors and to provide contact tracing information.  We appreciate your cooperation!

The December meeting will be on Wednesday, December 8, at 2pm, and will feature Mary Lee Delafield talking about popular titles available at Warwick’s bookstore in La Jolla. We hope you can join us, as nothing makes the holidays better (or makes a better gift) than a good book!!

As always, if you have a book to recommend and present to us, or just have a question about our meetings, please feel free to contact Cindy.  We are still finding presenters for our meetings in January through May.  Please join us!