The Church Council
Chairperson: Nick CosfordVice Chair: Joyce Theilacker
Secretary: Cy Ebrahimi
Church Treasurer: Janet Lind
Lay Leader: Chelsea Carter
Lay Members to Annual Conference: AJ Prat, Cam Rhodes
Missions & Social Concerns: To be filled
Worship Committee Chair: Margie Herrick
Nursery School Representative: Nursery School Director or Representative
Scout Liaisons: Nick & Becky Cosford
UMW President: To be elected by UMW
UMM President: To be elected by UMM
At Large: A.J. Prat (YA)
At Large: Dan Martin
Administrative Leaders
Finance: Don RushingFoundation: Don Lincoln
Nominations: The Pastor(s)
Staff-Parish Relations: Rod Betts
Trustees: Beau Brandon