Posts from September 2024

Sermon Note: For Such a Time as This

Introduction As we conclude our Uncommon Wisdom series, we turn to the story of Esther—a powerful narrative of courage, timing, and divine providence. This week, we reflect on Esther’s brave decision to speak out for her people, even at the risk of her own life. Her story invites us to consider the moments when we are called to act with courage and conviction, trusting that God has placed us exactly where we need to be “for such a time as…

Sermon Note: In Praise of Women Who Lead

Introduction As we continue our Uncommon Wisdom series, this week we turn to a passage that often gets a lot of attention, especially around Mother’s Day—Proverbs 31. But this Sunday, we’re looking at it through a different lens. Proverbs 31 isn’t just a checklist for the perfect wife; it’s a celebration of strength, wisdom, and leadership, particularly from women. This passage describes a woman who is not only a capable and hardworking homemaker but also a shrewd businessperson, a compassionate…

Sermon Note: Holding onto Wisdom

Introduction As we continue our Uncommon Wisdom series, this week we turn our attention to Proverbs 1, where Wisdom is personified as a woman crying out in the streets. She offers a bold, no-nonsense call to those who are lost, urging them to listen and follow her guidance. This passage challenges us to consider what it means to truly hold onto wisdom in our daily lives. In this part of Proverbs, Wisdom doesn’t mince words about the consequences of ignoring…

Sermon Note: Choosing How We Should Live

Introduction This week, we’re exploring the wisdom of Proverbs, specifically looking at how these ancient sayings guide us in making choices. Proverbs offers practical wisdom for everyday living, reminding us that our decisions reflect our values and shape our lives. Think of it like being on a road trip (remember our Advent worship series?) with a trusty compass; we might always not have a turn-by-turn GPS, but we have a sense of direction that helps us navigate life’s complexities. The…