Posts from July 2024

Sermon Note: Call to Confession

Introduction The call to confession is a vital part of our worship service, inviting us to come before God with honesty and humility. It’s a time to acknowledge our shortcomings and seek God’s forgiveness and grace. In 2 Samuel 11:1-15, we encounter one of the most well-known and troubling stories of King David’s life. David’s actions, leading to the adultery with Bathsheba and the arranged death of her husband Uriah, reveal the depths of human weakness and the necessity of…

Sermon Note: Call to Worship

Introduction The call to worship is an invitation to come before God with hearts open and ready to experience God’s presence. It is a moment that transitions us from our everyday lives into a sacred space where we can connect with the Divine. In 2 Samuel 7:1-14a, we see King David, settled in his palace, expressing a desire to build a house for God. This passage highlights the importance of intentionality and reverence in our approach to worship. As we…

Sermon Note: Gathering for Worship

Introduction Worship is the heartbeat of our faith community. It’s a time when we gather to celebrate, reflect, and connect with God and each other. In the story of King David, we find a powerful example of what it means to gather for worship. As the Ark of the Covenant is brought to Jerusalem, David leads the people in joyous celebration, dancing before the Lord with all his might. This scene captures the essence of worship as a communal and…

Back to School Backpacks

CCSA Backpack Program Community Christian Service Agency (CCSA) is starting their annual program to provide backpacks for children in need.  Information is available at this CCSA website: Backpacks are prepared for either K to 2nd grade students or 3rd to 9th grade students.  You purchase the backpack and then stock it with the supplies on the appropriate list, then drop off the backpacks at the CCSA office in Clairemont, bring them to Sunday service, or deliver them to our…

Sermon Note: In Weakness and in Strength

Introduction In our journey of faith, we often encounter moments of profound strength and times of deep weakness. The Apostle Paul, in his second letter to the Corinthians, shares a personal testimony of his own struggles and the divine strength that sustains him. He speaks of a “thorn in the flesh”—a persistent challenge that he pleaded with God to remove. Yet, God’s response was not to take away the struggle, but to provide grace sufficient to draw him nearer to…