Welcome to LJUMC

We’re a group of Christ followers who try to love God and neighbor, as we seek to grow in our individual spirituality and community with one another. We make a difference together and we have fun together.

Sunday morning Traditional Worship is both online and in-person and takes place at 10am. A brief Online Worship Tutorial for our Sunday morning online service can be found here.

Location Details

6063 La Jolla Boulevard La Jolla, CA 92037

“I give you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other. This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.”
John 13:34-35 (CEB)


In Weakness and in Strength

As we conclude our “Open Your Heart” series, we turn our attention to this paradox of faith: how embracing our weaknesses can reveal God’s strength in our lives. Let us open our hearts to understand how our limitations can become opportunities for divine power to be made known. Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 (NRSVue)

This I Call To Mind

This week we continue a new sermon series inviting us to explore how we live open-heartedly in a risky world and at a contentious time. Many of us experience life as a tapestry, woven with threads of both sorrow and joy. In this week’s text,  we turn to a passage in the book of Lamentations that shifts from lamentation to a message of hope and trust in God’s faithfulness, even in the midst of great suffering and despair. Scripture: Lamentations…

Welcome home!

LJUMC is a remarkable church family, and we’re incomplete without YOU!

Church News

Sermon Note: Gathering for Worship

Introduction Worship is the heartbeat of our faith community. It’s a time when we gather to celebrate, reflect, and connect with God and each other. In the story of King David, we find a powerful example of what it means to gather for worship. As the Ark of the Covenant is brought to Jerusalem, David leads the people in joyous celebration, dancing before the Lord with all his might. This scene captures the essence of worship as a communal and…

Back to School Backpacks

CCSA Backpack Program Community Christian Service Agency (CCSA) is starting their annual program to provide backpacks for children in need.  Information is available at this CCSA website: https://www.ccsasandiego.org/backpack-program Backpacks are prepared for either K to 2nd grade students or 3rd to 9th grade students.  You purchase the backpack and then stock it with the supplies on the appropriate list, then drop off the backpacks at the CCSA office in Clairemont, bring them to Sunday service, or deliver them to our…

Sermon Note: In Weakness and in Strength

Introduction In our journey of faith, we often encounter moments of profound strength and times of deep weakness. The Apostle Paul, in his second letter to the Corinthians, shares a personal testimony of his own struggles and the divine strength that sustains him. He speaks of a “thorn in the flesh”—a persistent challenge that he pleaded with God to remove. Yet, God’s response was not to take away the struggle, but to provide grace sufficient to draw him nearer to…

Sermon Note: This I Call To Mind

Introduction This week we continue a new sermon series inviting us to explore how we live open-heartedly in a risky world and at a contentious time. Many of us experience life as a tapestry, woven with threads of both sorrow and joy. In this week’s text,  we turn to the book of Lamentations. The Book of Lamentations is a collection of poetic laments attributed to the prophet Jeremiah, mourning the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Babylonians in…


As members of this faith community, we commit together to support the ministries of this church. One way we do this is through our financial giving.

To support our ongoing ministry, use the button below. To learn more about legacy gifts through our Church Foundation, use the menu at the top of this page.


Thursday Bible Study

Our weekly morning Bible study meets each week on Thursdays at 8am. This study follows study guides that could include short-term or long-term studies, academic books, and more. Like our Explorer Adult Class, leadership comes from within this capable and faithful group. If you are interested in joining this class, please contact Don Lincoln at dlincoln@dlincolnlaw.com or by phone at (619) 838-0817.

Traditional Worship

Join us at our weekly Worship service here at La Jolla UMC! In an effort to remain welcoming to all persons, worship continues in both an online and in-person format. Masks are optional. Find our online worship and resources here. For information on Children’s Ministry or the sacraments of Holy Communion and Holy Baptism, select one of the images below.

Bible Study with Kathy D.

Join Kathy D. for a new 13-week study of the book of Revelation beginning Monday, Aug 5 at 9:30 a.m.  Note that we will be meeting on Mondays this time instead of Wednesdays as before.  So why study Revelation?  First, it is a book that most of us are less familiar with, and perhaps a little bit intimidated by because of its confusing imagery and, frankly, occasionally frightening message.  A thoughtful reading with some guidance will help us better understand the book.  But second,…